Measuring Justice: Quantitative Accountability and the National Prosecuting Authority in South Africa.

By admin / April 24, 2019 / / No Comments
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Regulatory Capture? Fiscal Anthropological Insights into the Heart of Contemporary Statehood.

By admin / April 24, 2019 / / No Comments
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The Empty Chairs: On the Tedious Constraints of Trans-local Research.

By admin / April 24, 2019 / / No Comments
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Reworking state boundaries through care: ‘Peasant friends’, ‘greedy entrepreneurs’ and ‘corrupt officials’ in an ‘alternative’ food network in China.

By admin / April 23, 2019 / / No Comments
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Performing state boundaries: A stategraphy of citizen participation in China.

By admin / April 23, 2019 / / No Comments
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Distancing the regulating state: Corruption, transparency and the puzzle of personal relatedness in a food network in Sichuan.

By admin / April 23, 2019 / / No Comments
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Beyond realism: Africa‘s medical dreams (Introduction to Special Issue).

By admin / December 23, 2018 / / No Comments
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Capacity as history and horizon: Infrastructure, autonomy and future in African health science and care.

By admin / December 23, 2018 / / No Comments
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Traces of the Future: An Archaeology of Medical Science in Twenty First Century Africa.

By admin / December 23, 2018 / / No Comments
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Field station as stage: Re-enacting scientific work and life in Amani, Tanzania.

By admin / December 23, 2018 / / No Comments
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