Asyl und Konflikt. Von der Antike bis heute: Rechtsethnologische Untersuchungen.

By admin / January 11, 2017 / / No Comments
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Variations of field design and crop organization in Heiban (South Kordofan): Forecast and experimentation between the wars.

By admin / December 20, 2016 / / No Comments
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Dynamics of destabilisation in development interventions in South Kordofan, 2005-2011.

By admin / December 20, 2016 / / No Comments
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‘Nuba’: A historical perspective on changing and contested notions.

By admin / December 20, 2016 / / No Comments
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Political, financial and moral aspects of Sudan’s private higher education.

By admin / December 20, 2016 / / No Comments
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Field, forum, and vilified art: Recent developments in the representation of mass violence and its remembrance.

By admin / December 19, 2016 / / No Comments
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Can the president of the Kurdistan Region of Iraq cry?

By admin / December 19, 2016 / / No Comments
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Social and public experiments and new figurations of science and politics in Africa.

By Copy Editor / September 15, 2016 / / No Comments
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Therapeutic evangelism: Confessional technologies, antiretrovirals and biospiritual transformation in the fight against AIDS in West Africa.

By Copy Editor / September 15, 2016 / / No Comments
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Active compounds and atoms of society: Plants, bodies, minds and cultures in the work of Kenyan ethnobotanical knowledge.

By Copy Editor / September 15, 2016 / / No Comments
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