Fazil MoradiFormer Member
Fazil Moradi is currently a visiting associate professor at Faculty of Humanities – Johannesburg Institute for Advanced Study, University of Johannesburg, where he is also the convener of a monthly Actuvirtual Symposium. He is also an associate researcher at the Institute for Social Anthropology, Austrian Academy of Sciences; and affiliated scholar at the Center for the Study of the Holocaust, Genocide, and Crimes against Humanity at the Ralph Bunche Institute for International Studies, Graduate Center—CUNY. Dr. Moradi is member of the Research Network, Sci-Tech Asia Research Network, and Refugee Outreach & Research Network. He has been a researcher at Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology in Halle, and taught at the Institute for Social and Cultural Anthropology, University of Halle in Germany. In addition to his own transdisciplinary inquiries, he works together with medical science scholars on the long-term impacts of chemical warfare agents at Sahlgrenska Academy – University of Gothenburg in Sweden.
Dr Moradi’s current research interests include the Destruction of the Kingdom of Benin in 1897; Restitution of Plundered Artworks in Benin, Babylon and Egypt; Memories of Imperial-Colonialism and of Femicidal/Genocidal Violence of the Modern/Colonial State; Hospitality, Justice and Law; Al- Khwārizmīc [Algorithmic] Modernity; Genophilia; Decolonial Knowledge and Politics, and Forced Displacement/Migration. His research is cross-disciplinary and involves the current paradoxical institutions of daily life, but also historical relations across borders.
- Moradi, Fazil (2022) "The Political and Juridical Erasure of Yari and Yarsanians in Iran and Iraq." in Yari Religion in Iran , edited by S. Behnaz Hosseini, 1-12. Palgrave Macmillan, Singapore. → https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-6444-1_1
- Moradi, Fazil (2022) "Catastrophic Art." in Public Culture 2 (97): 243–264. → https://doi.org/10.1215/08992363-9584750
- Moradi, Fazil (2021) "Book Review. Borders, Media Crossing and the Politics of Translation: The Gaze from Southern Africa." in Critical Arts. → https://doi.org/10.1080/02560046.2021.1922478
- Moradi, Faraidoun, Fazil Moradi, Mia Söderberg, Anna-Carin Olin, Mona Lärstad (2020) "Gendered Lived Experiences of Marriage and Family following Exposure to Chemical Warfare Agents: Content Analysis of Qualitative Interviews with Survivors in Halabja, Kurdistan-Iraq." in BMJ Open 10 (10): e034277. → https://bmjopen.bmj.com/content/10/10/e034277.info
- Moradi, Fazil (2020) "Musik der Freundschaft: Bemerkungen über Yārī als Ethik der Lebensform." in Taurus in die Tauern: Kurdisches Leben in den österreichischen Bundesländern , edited by Agnes Grond, Katharina Brizić, Christoph Osztovics, Thomas Schmidinger. Wien: Praesens Verlag.
- Moradi, Fazil, and Richard Rottenburg (eds.) (2019) "Tele-evidence: On the Translatability of Modernity's Violence." in Critical Studies 4 (Special Issue).
- Moradi, Fazil (2019) "Un translatable Death, Evidentiary Bodies: After-Auschwitz and Murambi-in Translation." in Critical Studies 4: 137-156.
- Moradi, Faraidoun, Mia Söderberg, Fazil Moradi, Bledar Daka, Anna-Carin Olin, Mona Lärstad (2019) "Health perspectives among Halabja’s civilian survivors of sulfur mustard exposure with respiratory symptoms: A qualitative study." in PLoS ONE 14 (6): e0218648. → https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0218648
- Moradi, Fazil, and Richard Rottenburg (2019) "Tele-evidence: On the Translatability of Modernity's Violence." in Critical Studies 4: 5-23.
- Moradi, Fazil (2019) "Extremhögern skapar bilden av invandraren: Rasismen är både världspolitik och våldspolitik." in Bohusläningen. → https://www.bohuslaningen.se/%C3%A5sikt/debatt-och-ins%C3%A4ndare/extremh%C3%B6gern-skapar-bilden-av-invandraren-1.13425341
- Moradi, Fazil (2019) "Turkish frozen chicken, eggs, and falling bombs on the Kurdistan Region." in NRT. → http://www.nrttv.com/en/birura-details.aspx?authorid=22&Articleid=49
- Moradi, Hawar and Fazil Moradi (2018) "Afrin måste ses som en viktig del i vår gemensamma mänsklighet." in Flamman. → http://flamman.se/a/afrin-maste-ses-som-en-viktig-del-i-var-gemensamma-mansklighet
- Moradi, Faraidoun and Fazil Moradi (2018) "Sverige bör inrätta mottagning för stridsgasskadade patienter." in Läkartidningen (Swedish medical journal). → http://www.lakartidningen.se/Opinion/Debatt/2018/03/Sverige-bor-inratta-mottagning-for-stridsgasskadade-patienter/
- Moradi, Fazil (2018) "Love and Feminicide in Kurdistan." in Culture Magazine 3 (2018): 21-27. Trans. by Nabz Samad.
- Moradi, Fazil (2018) "Zirak Mira’s Feminicidal Assembly." in Culture Project: Art Feminism And Gender. → http://cultureproject.org.uk/2018/08/21/Zirak-Miras-Feminicidal-Assembly/
- Moradi, Fazil, Ralph Buchenhorst, and Maria Six-Hohenbalken (2017) "Memory and genocide: On what remains and the possibility of representation." London and New York: Routledge.
- Moradi, Fazil (2017) "Genocide in translation: On memory, justice, and future remembrance." in Memory and genocide: On what remains and the possibility of representation , edited by Fazil Moradi, Ralph Buchenhorst, and Maria Six-Hohenbalken. London and New York: Routledge.
- Moradi, Fazil and Hawar Moradi (2017) "Can the President of the Kurdistan Region of Iraq Cry? On Justice to Come." in Sprache – Migration – Zusammenhalt: Kurdisch und seine Diaspora , edited by Katharina Brizić, Agnes Grond, Christoph Osztovics, Thomas Schmidinger, Maria Six-Hohenbalken. Wien: Praesens.
- Moradi, Fazil (2017) "Iraq and rest of humanity." in Opendemocracy. → https://www.opendemocracy.net/north-africa-west-asia/fazil-moradi/iraq-and-rest-of-humanity
- Moradi, Fazil (2017) "In search of cardinal virtues in Iraq." in Opendemocracy. → https://www.opendemocracy.net/north-africa-west-asia/fazil-moradi/in-search-of-cardinal-virtues-in-iraq
- Moradi, Fazil (2017) "Det Var Inte Bättre på Gustav III:s tid." in Bohusläningen. → http://www.bohuslaningen.se/åsikt/debatt-och-insändare/det-var-inte-bättre-på-gustav-iii-s-tid-1.4987870
- Moradi, Fazil and Hawar Moradi (2016) "Can the president of the Kurdistan Region of Iraq cry?" in Opendemocracy. → https://www.opendemocracy.net/arab-awakening/fazil-moradi-hawar-moradi/can-president-of-kurdistan-region-of-iraq-cry
- Moradi, Fazil, and Kjell Anderson (2016) "The Islamic State’s Êzîdî Genocide in Iraq: The ‘Sinjār Operations’." in Genocide Studies International 10 (2): 1-33.
- Moradi, Fazil (2016) "The Force of Writing in Genocide: On Sexual Violence in the al-Anfāl Operations and Beyond." in Gender Violence in Peace and War: States of Complicity , edited by Victoria Sanford, Katerina Stefatos and Cecilia Salvi, 102-115. New Brunswick, NJ and London: Rutgers University Press.
- Moradi, Fazil (2015) "Dawn in Salar Majeed's 12 m2 atelier: Memory of loss and future in the city of Sulaimani." in 100 Jahre Völkermord an AremnierInnen und die KurdInnen: Komplexe Vergangenheit und Nachwirken in der Gegenwart , edited by Ferdinand Hennerbichler, Christoph Osztovics, Maria Six-Hohenbalken and Thomas Schmidinger, 215-243. Wien: Caesar Press.
- Moradi, Fazil, Adel Daoud, Roukaya A. Ibrahim, and Shailen Nandy (2015) "Iraq." in The SAGE encyclopedia of world poverty , edited by Mehmet Odekon. Thousand Oaks: SAGE.
- Moradi, Fazil (2014) "Foreword: For the love of life." in A new perspective: Suggestions on how to remember the crime of genocide, by Omer Muhamad, translated into Kurdish by Goran Baba Ali. Sulaimani: Kamal.
- Moradi, Fazil (2012) "The Baʿth Regime’s State of Exception: Configuration of de facto Sovereignty or al-Anfāl Operations." in Kawana 14: 28-37, translated into Kurdish by M. H. Saleh Tawfiq.
- Moradi, Fazil (2010) "Colour-line: The Petrifaction of Racialization and Alterity at the University of Stellenbosch." in The Journal of Higher Education in Africa 8 (2): 1-21.