Fabian ScholtesFormer Member
Fabian currently works at the Policy and Global Challenges department of MISEREOR, the German Catholic Bishops’ Organization for Development Cooperation. His focus is on the translation of critical, alternative concepts of economy and well-being into more aggregate, practical or political means of organizing an economy, such as policy and regulation, models of business and taxation, or the like. In public debates reference is often made to Buen Vivir, Ubuntu, Ecoswaraj (a radical ecological democracy approach in India) and other similar concepts that often concern life forms and collective actions on a small scale. But what would this mean for addressing employment, redistribution or financial markets in postmodern mass societies? How can the idea of post-growth economies be spelled out concretely enough to allow for actual political pressure or political choices?
Fabian received his Master’s (2002) and his PhD (2006) in International Economics from University of Tübingen. His PhD research explored Amartya Sen’s development ethics towards questions of environmental justice. His postdoctoral research at the Center for Development Research (University of Bonn) focused on power and morality in practices of international development. He has worked for the German Development Bank (KFW), where he was in charge of research-practice cooperation, as well as for the Institute of African Studies at the University of Leipzig, and as a freelance consultant with a focus on institutional analysis of development cooperation programs. Before joining MISEREOR, he worked for the German Development Institute, a leading think tank for global development. He has conducted research and analyses in a number of countries in Sub-Saharan Africa as well as in Palestine, Brazil and Georgia.
- Scholtes, Fabian (2018) "Transregional aspects of International Financial Regulation." in The Routledge Handbook of Transregional Studies , edited by M. Middell. London and New York: Routledge.
- Scholtes, Fabian (2015) "Richard Rottenburg: Weit hergeholte Fakten: Eine Parabel der Entwicklungshilfe." in Schlüsselwerke der Organisationsforschung , edited by Stefan Kühl, 586-590. Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
- Scholtes, Fabian (2015) "GIZ Manual for the Analysis of National Monitoring and Evaluation Systems." Eschborn: GIZ (Commissioned Work).
- Scholtes, Fabian (2012) "Afterthoughts: Issues for an Anthropology of Knowledge and Development." in Enviromental Uncertainty and Local Knowledge: Southeast Asia as a Laboratory of Global Ecological Change , edited by Anna-Katharina Hornidge and Christoph Antweiler, 273-279. Bielefeld: Transcript.
- Hornidge, Anna-Katharina, and Fabian Scholtes (2011) "Climate Change and Everyday Life in Toineke Village, West Timor: Uncertainties, Knowledge and Adaptation." in Sociologus 61 (2): 151-175.
- Scholtes, Fabian (2011) "Postkoloniale & Post-Development-Kritik der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit." in Fokus Entwicklungspolitik, KfW Development Research 6/2011 (Commissioned Work).
- Scholtes, Fabian (2011) "Environmental Sustainability in a Perspective of the Human Development and Capability Approach: Background paper to Human Development Report 2011 Sustainability and Equity." (Commissioned Work).
- Scholtes, Fabian (2010) "Whose sustainability? Environmental Domination and Sen’s Approach." in Oxford Development Studies 38 (3): 289-307.
- Scholtes, Fabian (2009) "How does moral knowledge matter in development practice, and how can it be researched?" in ZEF Working Paper 40.
- Scholtes, Fabian (2009) "Analysing and Explaining Power in a Capability Perspective." in ZEF Working Paper 37.
- Scholtes, Fabian (2009) "Waiting for the water to come? Climate Change and Poverty Reduction." CARE Germany and Center for Development Research ZEF.
- Scholtes, Fabian (2007) "Kultur, Ökonomie, Ethik: Ein Werkstattbericht." in Zeitschrift für Entwicklungsethnologie 16 (2): 141-156.