Katharina SchrammFormer Member
Katharina holds the Chair for Social and Cultural Anthropology at the University of Bayreuth. Her research is situated at the interface of political anthropology and critical race studies, STS and critical heritage studies. She has worked on diasporic memory and pan-African identity politics (African Homecoming, Left Coast Press 2010); violence and memorial landscapes (“Landscapes of violence”, special issue of History & Memory 2011); race and technologies of belonging in the European border regime (“Technologies of Belonging”, special issue of Science, Technology, & Human Values 2014); race and the sciences of human origins, especially population genomics and biological anthropology (special section “Face and Race”, American Anthropologist 2020) as well as on the multiple articulations of political subjectivities (special issue “Political Subjectivity in Times of Transformation”, Critical African Studies 2018). She is PI with the Africa Multiple Cluster of Excellence where she is heading the research project “Karakul Circulations: Colonial Economies and the Un_Making of Disciplinary Knowledges in Germany and Namibia”.
Anthropology of Global Inequalities
Katharina’s research focuses on a critical analysis of categories of difference and their political effectiveness. With her team she investigates how dynamics of knowledge production relate to questions of (in)equality and processes of inclusion and exclusion. Social movements, migration and border regimes, economic justice, forms of racialization, and politics of belonging all count as empirical fields.
Further information can be found on the research group’s website (https://anthropologyofglobalinequalities.com).
- Schramm, Katharina (2020) "Stuck in the Tearoom: Facial Reconstruction and Postapartheid Headache." in American Anthropologist 122 (2): 342-355. → https://doi.org/10.1111/aman.13384
- M'charek, Amade and Katharina Schramm (2020) "Encountering the Face—Unraveling Race." in American Anthropologist 122 (2): 321-326. → https://anthrosource.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/aman.13390
- Schramm, Katharina (2017) "Einführung: Postkoloniale STS." in Science and Technology Studies: Ein Überblick über klassische Positionen und aktuelle Perspektiven , edited by Susanne Bauer, Torsten Heinemann and Thomas Lemke, 471-494. Frankfurt a.M.: Suhrkamp.
- Schramm, Katharina (2017) "Review. Nash, Catherine: 'Genetic Geographies. The Trouble with Ancestry.'" in Anthropos 112 (1): 343-344.
- Schramm, Katharina (2017) "'Das Humboldt-Forum sollte viel proaktiver werden': Interview with Susanne Memarnia." in Die Tageszeitung 07.10.2017. → https://www.taz.de/!5452183/
- Schramm, Katharina (2017) "Die Kontroversen liegen auf der Straße." in 'Multikultureller Musterschüler oder Erbe des Kolonialismus? Das Berliner Humboldt Forum im Kreuzfeuer der Kritik', Kunstzeitung Oktober 2017, p. 12.
- Schramm, Katharina (2016) "Casts, Bones and DNA: Interrogating the Relationship between Science and Postcolonial Indigeneity in Contemporary South Africa." in Anthropology Southern Africa 39 (2): 131-144.
- Schramm, Katharina, Sabine Netz, and Regina Sarreiter (2016) "Die Vermessung des Unmenschen: Zur Darstellung von Rasse und Rassismus in einer Dresdner Ausstellung." in Blog Medizinethnologie. → http://www.medizinethnologie.net/vermessung-des-unmenschen/
- Schramm, Katharina (2015) "Thinking About Race in an Age of Diversity." in Routledge International Handbook of Diversity Studies , edited by Steven Vertovec, 52-59. London, New York: Routledge.
- Schramm, Katharina (2015) "Heritage, Power and Ideology." in A Companion to Contemporary Heritage Research , edited by Emma Waterton and Steve Watson, 442-457. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Schramm, Katharina (2015) "Vom Horror des Hybriden und der Zelebrierung genetischer Vielfalt: Zur Darstellung von 'Rasse' und Genealogie im neuen Südafrika." in Medienethnographie: Ein Handbuch , edited by Cora Bender and Martin Zillinger, 319-341. Berlin: Reimer.
- Schramm, Katharina (2015) "Wie Phönix aus der Asche: Klassifikation, Erinnerungspolitik und Populationsgenetik in Südafrika." in Sociologus 65 (2): 201-224.
- M'charek, Amade, Katharina Schramm, and David Skinner (eds.) (2014) "Special Issue: Technologies of Belonging." in Science, Technology, & Human Values 39 (4).
- M'charek, Amade, Katharina Schramm, and David Skinner (2014) "Introduction. Technologies of Belonging: The Absent Presence of Race in Europe." in Science, Technology, & Human Values 39 (4): 459-467.
- Schramm, Katharina (2014) "Review. Holger Stoecker et al.: 'Sammeln, erforschen, zurückgeben? Menschliche Gebeine aus der Kolonialzeit in akademischen und musealen Sammlungen'." in H-Soz-u-Kult 04.12.2014. → http://www.hsozkult.de/publicationreview/id/rezbuecher-22414.
- Schramm, Katharina (2014) "Review. Peter Probst: 'Osogbo and the art of heritage'." in Journal of Religion in Africa 44: 127-128.
- Schramm, Katharina (2014) "Neue Technologien - alte Kategorien? Ethnologische Forschung an der Schnittstelle von Wissenschaft und Politik." in Zeitschrift für Ethnologie 139 (2): 233-252.
- Schramm, Katharina (2014) "Comment on Peter Wade et al.: 'Nation and the absent presence of race in Latin American genomics'." in Current Anthropology 55 (5): 515.
- Schramm, Katharina (2014) "Commentary. Leipzig 100 Years: The Future of Anthropology / Die Zukunft der Ethnologie." in ALLEGRA: A Virtual Lab of Legal Anthropology. → http://allegralaboratory.net/leipzig-100-years-commentary-on-the-future-of-anthropology/
- Schramm, Katharina (2014) "Claims of descent: Race and science in contemporary South Africa." in Vienna Working Papers in Ethnography, No. 3.
- Schramm, Katharina, Amade M'charek, and David Skinner (2014) "Topologies of Race: Doing Territory, Population, and Identity in Europe." in Science, Technology, & Human Values 39 (4): 468-487.
- Schramm, Katharina (2013) "Ethnographische Positionierungen: Situiertes Wissen und die Politik der Intervention." in Eingreifen, Kritisieren, Verändern? Ethnographische und genderkritische Perspektiven auf Interventionen , edited by Beate Binder, Katrin Ebell, Sabine Hess, Anika Keinz and Fred von Bose, 220-225. Münster: Westfälisches Dampfboot.
- Schramm, Katharina (ed.) (2011) "Landscapes of Violence: Memory and Sacred Space (Special issue)." in History and Memory 23 (1).
- Schramm, Katharina, and Kristine Krause (eds.) (2011) "States, Diasporas, Citizenship: New Forms of Political Subjectivity in Africa." in African Diaspora Journal of Transnational Africa in a Global World 4 (2).
- Schramm, Katharina, David Skinner, and Richard Rottenburg (eds.) (2011) "Identity Politics and the New Genetics: Re/Creating Categories of Difference and Belonging." Oxford: Berghahn.
- Krause, Kristine, and Katharina Schramm (2011) "Thinking Through Political Subjectivity." in African Diaspora: Journal of Transnational Africa in a Global World 4 (2): 115-134.
- Schramm, Katharina (2011) "Genomics en Route: Ancestry, Heritage and the Politics of Identity Across the Black Atlantic." in Identity Politics and the New Genetics: Re/Creating Categories of Difference and Belonging , edited by Katharina Schramm, David Skinner and Richard Rottenburg, 167-192. Oxford: Berghahn.
- Schramm, Katharina (2011) "Introduction. Landscapes of Violence: Memory and Sacred Space." in History and Memory 23 (1): 5-22.
- Schramm, Katharina (2011) "The Slaves of Pikworo: Local Histories, Transatlantic Perspectives." in History and Memory 23 (1): 96-130.
- Schramm, Katharina, David Skinner, and Richard Rottenburg (2011) "Introduction. Ideas in Motion: Making Sense of Identity and the New Genetics." in Identity Politics and the New Genetics: Re/Creating Categories of Difference and Belonging , edited by Katharina Schramm, David Skinner and Richard Rottenburg, 1-29. Oxford: Berghahn.
- Argenti, Nicolas, and Katharina Schramm (eds.) (2010) "Remembering Violence: Anthropological Perspectives on Intergenerational Transmission." Oxford: Berghahn.
- Schramm, Katharina (2010) "African Homecoming: Pan-African Ideology and Contested Heritage." Walnut Creek: Left Coast Press.
- Argenti, Nicolas, and Katharina Schramm (2010) "Introduction." in Remembering Violence: Anthropological Perspectives on Intergenerational Transmission , edited by Nicholas Argenti and Katharina Schramm, 1-40. Oxford: Berghahn.
- Schramm, Katharina (2010) "Sankɔfa-Interpretationen: Schwarze Selbst(er)findung zwischen Vergangenheitsbezug und Zukunftsorientierung." in Sociologus 60 (2): 191-217.