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Article or Chapter
- Bognitz, Stefanie (2020) "Mediation in Circumstances of the Existential: Dispute and Justice in Rwanda." in On Mediation: Historical, Legal, Anthropological and International Perspectives , edited by Karl Härter, Carolin Hillemanns and Günther Schlee, 146-178. New York and Oxford: Berghahn. →
- Bognitz, Stefanie (2020) "The Legal Laboratory in Rwanda: Experimentalization and Adaptation." in Normative Spaces and Legal Dynamics in Africa , edited by Katrin Seidel and Hatem Elliesie, 189-204. London and New York: Routledge. →
Article or Chapter
- Bognitz, Stefanie (2017) "Mistrusting as mode of engagement in mediation: Insights from a socio-legal practice in Rwanda." in Mistrust: Ethnographic Approximations , edited by Florian Mühlfried. Bielefeld: transcript.
- Bognitz, Stefanie (2017) "Trusting mediators: On becoming inyangamugayo in Rwanda." in POLITIKA. →
Article or Chapter
- Bognitz, Stefanie (2016) "Technologien der Zukunft: Einblicke in Strategien der Aneignung neuer Technologien in Ruanda." in Ruanda Revue 1/2016: 18-20. →
Article or Chapter
- Bognitz, Stefanie (2015) "Rwanda." in The SAGE encyclopedia of world poverty, 2nd ed. , edited by Mehmet Odekon. Los Angeles: SAGE.
- Bognitz, Stefanie (2015) "Lawyers without borders." in The SAGE encyclopedia of world poverty, 2nd ed. , edited by Mehmet Odekon. Los Angeles: SAGE.
Article or Chapter
- Bognitz, Stefanie (2013) "Crafting transitional justice: Significations of rights-based organizations and legal aid in Rwanda." in Nouvelles études pénales 24: 269-83.