Recent Publications

Working Paper Series

Article or Chapter

  • Moradi, Fazil (2017) "Genocide in translation: On memory, justice, and future remembrance." in Memory and genocide: On what remains and the possibility of representation , edited by Fazil Moradi, Ralph Buchenhorst, and Maria Six-Hohenbalken. London and New York: Routledge.
  • Buchenhorst, Ralph (2017) "Field, forum, and vilified art: Recent developments in the representation of mass violence and its remembrance." in Memory and genocide: On what remains and the possibility of representation , edited by Moradi, Fazil, Buchenhorst, Ralph, and Maria Six-Hohenbalken. London: Routledge.
  • Turner, Bertram (2017) "Translocal, faith-based dispute management: Moroccan-Canadian struggles with normative plurality." in Multireligious Society: Dealing with religious diversity in theory and practice , edited by Colom González, Francisco and Gianni D’Amato, 213-235. Abingdon: Routledge.
  • Rao, Ursula (2017) "Writing, typing and scanning: Distributive justice and the politics of visibility in the era of e-governance." in Media as Politics in South Asia , edited by Sahana Udupa and Stephen D. McDowell, 127-140. London: Routledge.
  • Calkins, Sandra and Richard Rottenburg (2017) "Evidence, infrastructure and worth." in Infrastructures and Social Complexity: A Companion , edited by Penny Harvey, Casper Bruun Jensen, and Atsuro Morita, 253-265. London: Routledge.
  • Mugler, Johanna (2017) "(Keine) Angst vor Zahlen? Gefühle gegenüber Performance Measurement innerhalb der südafrikanischen Staatsanwaltschaft." in Gerechtigkeitsgefühle: Zur affektiven und emotionalen Legitimität von Normen , edited by Jonas Bens and Olaf Zenker, 129-158. Bielefeld: transcript.
  • Bognitz, Stefanie (2017) "Mistrusting as mode of engagement in mediation: Insights from a socio-legal practice in Rwanda." in Mistrust: Ethnographic Approximations , edited by Florian Mühlfried. Bielefeld: transcript.
  • Bognitz, Stefanie (2017) "Trusting mediators: On becoming inyangamugayo in Rwanda." in POLITIKA.
  • Turner, Bertram (2017) "Dialectics of Non-power and Marginality in Mediation: Institutional Diversification and Multiple Identities of Mediators." in POLTIKA.
  • Park, Sung-Joon (2017) "‘They overworked us’: Humiliation and claims to recognition of volunteer nurses in the aftermath of the Ebola epidemic in Sierra Leone." in Medicine Anthropology Theory (MAT) 4 (3): 21-40. →
  • Park, Sung-Joon and Grace Akello (2017) "The oughtness of care: Fear, stress and caregiving during the 2000-2001 Ebola outbreak in Gulu, Uganda." in Social Science and Medicine 194: 60-66.
  • Field, Amy (2017) "Populist Protest and Counter-Protest in Germany." in Anthropology News.
  • Behrends, Andrea and Remadji Hoinathy (2017) "The Devil’s Money: A multi-level approach to acceleration and turbulence in oil-producing southern Chad." in Social Analysis 61 (3): 56-72.
  • Thelen, Tatjana (2017) "Property: An essential dimension of social organization and change." in Ökonomische Anthropologie: Einführung und Fallbeispiele , edited by Gertraud Seiser, 144-162. Vienna: Facultas.
  • Thelen, Tatjana and Erdmute Alber (2017) "Reconnecting State and Kinship: Temporalities, Scales, Classifications." in Reconnecting State and Kinship , edited by Tatjana Thelen and Erdmute Alber, 1-35. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.
  • Umlauf, René (2017) "Precarity and Preparedness: Non-Adherence as Institutional Work in Diagnosing and Treating Malaria in Uganda." in Medical Anthropology 36 (5): 449-463.
  • Umlauf, René (2017) "An Option with no Choice? The Role of Preventive Technologies for (Dis-)Locating a Malaria Epidemic." in AllegraLaboratory Thematic Week. Medical Technologies and Infrastructure: Mobilities and (Dis-)Connectivities , edited by Hansjörg Dilger and Dominik Matthes. →
  • Hopkins, H., J. Cunningham, M. Gatton, I. González, S.Kibira, D. Kyabayinze, M. Mayxay, R. Umlauf (2017) "Prototype positive control wells for malaria rapid diagnostic tests: Prospective evaluation of implementation among health workers in Lao PDR and Uganda." in The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 96 (2): 319-329. →
  • Liggins, Arlena S. and Uli Beisel (2017) "Translating the glucometer – from 'Western' markets to Uganda: Glucometer graveyards, missing testing strips and the difficulties of patient care." in World Politics in Translation: Power, Relationality and Difference in Global Cooperation , edited by Tobias Berger and Alejandro Esguerra, 59–75. London, New York: Routledge.
  • Turner, Bertram (2017) "Translating evidentiary practices and technologies of truth finding: Oath taking as witness testimony in plural legal configurations in Morocco." in Truth, Intentionality and Evidence: Anthropological Approaches to Crime , edited by Yazd Ben Hounet and Deborah Puccio-Den, 112-129. Abingdon: Routledge.
  • Turner, Bertram (2017) "Conclusion: Retaliation in Specific Spheres of Effectiveness." in On Retaliation: Towards an Interdisciplinary Understanding of a Basic Human Condition , edited by Betram Turner and Günther Schlee, 283-305. New York, Oxford: Berghahn.
  • Turner, Bertram (2017) "Introduction On Retaliation: Conceptual Plurality, Transdisciplinary Research, Rifts, Blurrings and Translations." in On Retaliation: Towards an Interdisciplinary Understanding of a Basic Human Condition , edited by Bertram Turner and Günther Schlee, 1-25. New York, Oxford: Berghahn.
  • Turner, Bertram (2017) "The anthropology of property." in Comparative Property Law: Global Perspectives , edited by Michele Graziadei and Lionel Smith, 26-47. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
  • McHardy, Julien (2017) "Like Cream: Valuing the Invaluable." in Engaging Science, Technology, and Society 3: 73-83.
  • Reis-Castro, Luísa (2017) "The Underworlds Project and the 'Collective Microbiome': Mining Biovalue from Sewage." in Bioeconomies Life, Technology, and Capital in the 21st Century , edited by Vincenzo Pavone and Joanna Goven, 105-128. Cham: Palgrave.
  • Thiel, Alena (2017) "Entangled temporalities: Ghana's national biometric identity registration project." in Anthropology Today 33 (1): 3-5.
  • Moradi, Fazil and Hawar Moradi (2017) "Can the President of the Kurdistan Region of Iraq Cry? On Justice to Come." in Sprache – Migration – Zusammenhalt: Kurdisch und seine Diaspora , edited by Katharina Brizić, Agnes Grond, Christoph Osztovics, Thomas Schmidinger, Maria Six-Hohenbalken. Wien: Praesens.
  • Schramm, Katharina (2017) "Einführung: Postkoloniale STS." in Science and Technology Studies: Ein Überblick über klassische Positionen und aktuelle Perspektiven , edited by Susanne Bauer, Torsten Heinemann and Thomas Lemke, 471-494. Frankfurt a.M.: Suhrkamp.
  • Schramm, Katharina (2017) "Review. Nash, Catherine: 'Genetic Geographies. The Trouble with Ancestry.'" in Anthropos 112 (1): 343-344.
  • Schramm, Katharina (2017) "'Das Humboldt-Forum sollte viel proaktiver werden': Interview with Susanne Memarnia." in Die Tageszeitung 07.10.2017. →!5452183/
  • Schramm, Katharina (2017) "Die Kontroversen liegen auf der Straße." in 'Multikultureller Musterschüler oder Erbe des Kolonialismus? Das Berliner Humboldt Forum im Kreuzfeuer der Kritik', Kunstzeitung Oktober 2017, p. 12.
  • Moradi, Fazil (2017) "Iraq and rest of humanity." in Opendemocracy.
  • Moradi, Fazil (2017) "In search of cardinal virtues in Iraq." in Opendemocracy.
  • Umlauf, René and Sung-Joon Park (2017) "Stock-Outs! Improvisations and Processes of Infrastructuring in Uganda’s HIV/Aids and Malaria Programmes." in Global Public Health 1692 (December): 1–14. →
  • Cantini, Daniele (2017) "Book Review. Rigas Arvanitis and Sari Hanafi: 'Knowledge Production in the Arab World. The impossible promise.' London: Routledge."
  • Cantini, Daniele (2017) "We take care of our students: Private universities and politics of care in Egypt." in Ethics and Social Welfare 11 (3): 261-276.
  • Erikson, Susan (2017) "The Limits of the International Health Regulations: Ebola Governance, Regulatory Breach, and the Non-Negotiable Necessity of National Healthcare." in The Governance of Disease Outbreaks. International Health Law: Lessons from the Ebola Crisis and Beyond , edited by Pedro A. Villarreal, Katrina Weilert, and Leonie Vierck. Heidelberg: Nomos Publishing.
  • Komey, Guma Kunda, Buthaina Ahmed Elnaiem and Fayz Omer Jamei (2017) "Towards a Paradigm Shift in Peacemaking and Conflict Resolution in Sudan." in Journal of Peace and Development 7 (1): 127-144.
  • Spencer, Sylvanus (2017) "Transcending Traditional Tropes: Autochthony as a Discourse of Conflict and Integration in Post-war Krio/Non-Krio Relations in Sierra Leone." in Politics and Policies in the Upper Guinea Coast Societies: Change and Continuity , edited by Christian K. Hojbjerg, Jacqueline Knoerr and William P. Murphy, 205-222. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Moradi, Fazil (2017) "Det Var Inte Bättre på Gustav III:s tid." in Bohusläningen.åsikt/debatt-och-insändare/det-var-inte-bättre-på-gustav-iii-s-tid-1.4987870
  • Hoinathy, Remadji (2017) "La gouvernance des revenus pétroliers au Tchad: L’introuvable panacée?" in Revue Scientifique du Tchad - Série A 14: 86-96.
  • Hoinathy, Remadji (2017) "La transparence: Un débat d’experts?" in Cahier Tchadien des Sciences Sociales (CaTchas).
  • Hoinathy, Remadji and Babett Janszky (2017) "Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI): The Latest Attempt at Governing the Extractive Industries in Chad." in The Extractive Industries and Society 4 (4): 825-832.
  • Langwick, Stacey (2017) "The Value of Secrets: Pragmatic Healers and Proprietary Knowledge." in African Medical Pluralism , edited by William Olsen and Carolyn Sargent, 31-49. Bloomington and Indianapolis: Indiana University Press.
  • Liwa, A., R. Roediger, H. Jaka, A. Bougaila, L. Smart, S. Langwick and R. Peck (2017) "Herbal and Alternative Medicine Use in Tanzanian Adults Admitted with Hypertension-related Diseases: A Mixed-methods Study." in International Journal of Hypertension 3: 1-9.
  • Serlin, David (2017) "Confronting African Histories of Technology: A Conversation with Keith Breckenridge and Gabrielle Hecht." in Radical History Review 127: 87-102.
  • Lammer, Christof (2017) "Reworking state boundaries through care: 'Peasant friends', 'greedy entrepreneurs' and 'corrupt officials' in an 'alternative' food network in China." in Vienna Working Papiers in Ethnography 5: 1-29. →
  • Marfaing, Laurence, and Alena Thiel (2017) "African entrepreneurs in China: True actors of globalization." in Mobility between Africa, Asia and Latin America: Economic Networks and Cultural Interactions , edited by Ute Röschenthaler and Alessandro Jedlowski, 200-219. London: Zed Books.
  • Ille, Enrico (2017) "Venezuela." in SAGE encyclopedia of war: social science perspectives , edited by Paul Joseph, 1792. Thousand Oaks: Sage.
  • Ille, Enrico (2017) "Sudan." in SAGE encyclopedia of war: social science perspectives , edited by Paul Joseph, 1639. Thousand Oaks: Sage.
  • Ille, Enrico (2017) "South Sudan." in SAGE encyclopedia of war: social science perspectives , edited by Paul Joseph, 1604-1605. Thousand Oaks: Sage.
  • Ille, Enrico (2017) "Conflict minerals." in SAGE encyclopedia of war: social science perspectives , edited by Paul Joseph, 369-372. Thousand Oaks: Sage.
  • Umlauf, René, Dieter Neubert and Uli Beisel (2017) "Innovationen in afrikanischen Gesundheitssystemen: Die Einführung von diagnostischen Schnelltests in der Malariakontrolle." in Spektrum, Hochschulschrift der Universität Bayreuth.
  • Ballim, Faeeza (2017) "The Un-Making of the Group Areas Act: Local Resistance and Commercial Power in the Small Town of Mokopane." in South African Historical Journal, 69 (4): 568–582. →

Book or Edited Volume

  • Moradi, Fazil, Ralph Buchenhorst, and Maria Six-Hohenbalken (2017) "Memory and genocide: On what remains and the possibility of representation." London and New York: Routledge.
  • Thelen, Tatjana and Erdmute Alber (eds.) (2017) "Reconnecting State and Kinship." Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.
  • Umlauf, René (2017) "Mobile Labore: Zur Diagnose und Organisation von Malaria in Uganda." Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag.
  • Turner, Bertram and Günther Schlee (eds.) (2017) "On Retaliation: Towards an Interdisciplinary Understanding of a Basic Human Condition." New York, Oxford: Berghahn.
  • Hoinathy, Remadji (ed.) (2017) "Société civile, gouvernance & industries extractives (Special issue)." in Cahier Tchadien des Sciences Sociales (CaTchas).
  • Lamoureaux, Siri (2017) "Virtuous Language: Gendered Morality and Ethnonational Politics among Moro Christians in Sudan." Dissertation Thesis, University of Halle.