Recent Publications

Working Paper Series

Article or Chapter

  • Geissler, P. W. and N. Tousignant (2020) "Beyond realism: Africa‘s medical dreams (Introduction to Special Issue)." in Africa 90 (1): 1-17.
  • Thiel, Alena (2020) "Biometric identification technologies and the Ghanaian ‘data revolution’." in Journal of Modern African Studies 58 (1): 115-136.
  • Umlauf, René (2020) "'Give work, not aid': Digitale Fabrikarbeit in Norduganda." in Berliner Blätter: Ethnographische und ethnologische Beiträge zum Thema: „Digitale Arbeitskulturen: Rahmungen, Effekte, Herausforderungen", 82. Panama Verlag.
  • Redfield, Peter (2020) "The Danger of a Single Threat." in Covid-19, Fieldsights.
  • Bognitz, Stefanie (2020) "Mediation in Circumstances of the Existential: Dispute and Justice in Rwanda." in On Mediation: Historical, Legal, Anthropological and International Perspectives , edited by Karl Härter, Carolin Hillemanns and Günther Schlee, 146-178. New York and Oxford: Berghahn. →
  • Bognitz, Stefanie (2020) "The Legal Laboratory in Rwanda: Experimentalization and Adaptation." in Normative Spaces and Legal Dynamics in Africa , edited by Katrin Seidel and Hatem Elliesie, 189-204. London and New York: Routledge. →
  • Schramm, Katharina (2020) "Stuck in the Tearoom: Facial Reconstruction and Postapartheid Headache." in American Anthropologist 122 (2): 342-355. →
  • Field, Amy (2020) "From behind stall doors: Farming the Eastern German countryside in the animal welfare era." in Focaal 88 (2020): 103-116.
  • Lamoureaux, Siri (2020) "Ethnic Nationalism and Gendered Morality in the Semiotic Construction of the Moro Language of Sudan." in Faits de Langues 51 (1): 197-220. →
  • Chevrillon-Guibert, Raphaëlle, Enrico Ille and Mohamed Salah (2020) "Pratiques de pouvoir, conflits miniers et économie de l’or au Soudan durant le régime d’al-Inqaz." in Politique Africaine 158 (2): 123-148.
  • Rao, Ursula (2020) "Remediating the local through localised news making. India's booming multilingual press as agent in political and social change." in The Routledge companion to local media and journalism , edited by Agnes Gulyas and David Baines, 149-157. London: Routledge. →
  • Behrends, Andrea (2020) "Renegotiating humanitarian governance: Challenging invisibility in the Chad-Sudan borderlands." in Invisibility in African displacements: From structural marginalization to strategies of avoidance , edited by Jesper Bjarnesen and Simon Turner, 19-35. London, New York: Zed Books.
  • Turner, Bertram and Melanie G. Wiber (2020) "Law, Science, and Technologies." in The Oxford Handbook of Law and Anthropology , edited by Marie-Claire Foblets, Mark Goodale, Maria Sapignoli and Olaf Zenker. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Benda-Beckmann, Keebet von and Bertram Turner (2020) "Anthropological Roots of Global Legal Pluralism." in The Oxford Handbook of Global Legal Pluralism , edited by Paul Schiff Berman, 67-141. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Moradi, Faraidoun, Fazil Moradi, Mia Söderberg, Anna-Carin Olin, Mona Lärstad (2020) "Gendered Lived Experiences of Marriage and Family following Exposure to Chemical Warfare Agents: Content Analysis of Qualitative Interviews with Survivors in Halabja, Kurdistan-Iraq." in BMJ Open 10 (10): e034277. →
  • Moradi, Fazil (2020) "Musik der Freundschaft: Bemerkungen über Yārī als Ethik der Lebensform." in Taurus in die Tauern: Kurdisches Leben in den österreichischen Bundesländern , edited by Agnes Grond, Katharina Brizić, Christoph Osztovics, Thomas Schmidinger. Wien: Praesens Verlag.
  • Gout, Philippe (2020) "Le ‘traditionnel’ selon la consolidation internationale de la paix: Systémique luhmannienne et infirmation de la juridicité étatique du droit coutumier au Soudan." in Droit & Philosophie: La théorie de l’État au défi de l’anthropologie 12: 59-81 , edited by Tristan Pouthier and Pierre-Marie Raynal.
  • Gout, Philippe (2020) "The International Protection of Refugees: An Insight into the French Asylum Court’s Response to the Sudanese Making of Identities." in Cahiers d’Études africaines. Soudan: identités en tensions 240: 873-893 , edited by Barbara Casciarri, Alice Franck, Stefano Manfredi and Munzoul Assal.
  • Gout, Philippe (2020) "Les tribulations de la justice pénale internationale: Chronique des poursuites judiciaires inquiétant l’ancien président soudanais." in Politique africaine. Soudan: Jusqu’au bout du régime al-Inqaz 158: 101-122 , edited by Jean-Nicolas Bach, Raphaëlle Chevrillon-Guibert and Alice Franck.
  • Gout, Philippe (2020) "Crises et changement de direction à l’ONUSIDA." in Chroniques du droit des organisations internationales, AFDI 2019 65: 288-303.
  • Thelen, Tatjana and Cati Coe (2020) "养老带来政治归属:时间维度、表征形式以及相互性. Chinese translation of 'Political Belonging through Elder Care: Temporalities, Representations and Mutuality'." in Journal of Qinghai Minzu University 46 (4): 9-21.
  • Park, Sung-Joon, Nene Morisho, Kennedy Wema Muhindo, Julienne Anoko, Nina Gobat, Hannah Brown, and Matthias Borchert (2020) "What do adaptations tell us about the production of trust? Shifting the ‘burden of change’ from people to the response." in Humanitarian Exchange: Special feature Responding to Ebola in the Democratic Republic of Congo 77: 24–26.
  • Nene Morisho, Josepha Kalubi, Sung-Joon Park, Martin Doevenspeck (2020) "Same but Different? A Comparison of Ebola Virus Disease and Covid-19 After the Ebola Epidemic in Eastern DRC (2018–20)." in African Arguments.
  • Dilger, Hansjörg, and Sung-Joon Park (2020) "Anthropological Perspectives in Health Emergencies." in In Control: A Practical Handbook for Professionals Working in Health Emergencies Internationally , edited by Silva Lauffer and Jonathan Walter, 154–64. Berlin: RKI.
  • Rottenburg, Richard (2020) "Ein Übungsbericht und eine Frage an Matthias Kaufmann." in Denken und Handeln. Perspektiven der praktischen Philosophie und der Sprachphilosophie , edited by Andrej Krause and Danaë Simmermacher, 123-141. Berlin: Duncker & Humblot.
  • Calkins, Sandra (2020) "Lab hands and knowing toxic substances in Uganda." in Anthropology Today 36 (6): 29-32. →
  • Calkins, Sandra (2020) "Chemical dissidents and vegetal collaborators." in Space and Society.
  • Calkins, Sandra (2020) "Taking measures as end points?" in Boasblogs: The end of negotiations.
  • Eckert, Julia and Laura Knöpfel (2020) "Legal responsibility in an entangled world." in Journal of Legal anthropology 4 (2): 1-16.
  • Eckert, Julia (2020) "Beihilfe: Mittelbare Verantwortung in einer Verflochtenen Welt." in Entgrenzte Verantwortung: Zur Reichweite und Regulierung von Verantwortung in Wirtschaft, Medien, Technik und Umwelt , edited by Anja Seibert-Fohr, 73-89. Berlin: Springer.
  • Eckert, Julia (2020) "The Office: Ethos and Ethics in Migration Bureaucracies." in The Bureaucratic Production of Difference: Ethos and Ethics in Migration Administrations , edited by Julia Eckert, 7-26. Bielefeld: Transcript.
  • Reis-Castro, Luísa (2020) "Mosquitoes, Pathogens, and that which divides Brazil." in Environmental History Now.
  • Reis-Castro, Luísa and Carolina Nogueira (2020) "Uma Antropologia da Transmissão: Mosquitos, Mulheres e a Epidemia de Zika no Brasil [An Anthropology of Transmission: Mosquitoes, Women, and the Zika Epidemic in Brazil]." in ILHA Revista de Antropologia 22 (2): 21-63. →
  • Reis-Castro, Luísa (2020) "The Vector, the Viruses, and the 'Healthy World': Placing Aedes aegypti in Brazil." in Platypus, the Committee on the Anthropology of Science, Technology, and Computing Blog.
  • Reis-Castro, Luísa and Carolina Nogueira (2020) "COVID-19 e Zika: Narrativas epidêmicas, desigualdades sociais e responsabilização individual [COVID-19 e Zika: Epidemic narratives, social inequalities, and individual responsibilization]." in Cientistas sociais e o Coronavírus , edited by Miriam Pillar Grossi and Rodrigo Toniol, 632-636. Florianópolis: Tribo da Ilha. →
  • Reis-Castro, Luísa and Carolina Nogueira (2020) "Who Should Be Concerned? Zika as an Epidemic About Mosquitoes and Women (and some reflections on COVID-19)." in Somatosphere, Histórias of Zika series.
  • M'charek, Amade and Katharina Schramm (2020) "Encountering the Face—Unraveling Race." in American Anthropologist 122 (2): 321-326. →
  • Breckenridge, Keith (2020) "Capitalism without Surveillance?" in Development and Change 51(3): 921-935. →

Book or Edited Volume

  • Ille, Enrico, Gamal H. Hamid, and Salah Osman (eds.) (2020) "Recent urbanisation trends in Khartoum State." Khartoum: University of Khartoum in collaboration with the Institute of Development Studies, University of Sussex.
  • Eckert, Julia (ed.) (2020) "The Bureaucratic Production of Difference: Ethos and Ethics in Migration Administrations." Bielefeld: Transcript.
  • Eckert, Julia and Laura Knöpfel (eds.) (2020) "Corporate Responsibility (Special Issue)." in Journal of Legal Anthropology 4 (2).