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Article or Chapter
- Argenti, Nicolas, and Katharina Schramm (2010) "Introduction." in Remembering Violence: Anthropological Perspectives on Intergenerational Transmission , edited by Nicholas Argenti and Katharina Schramm, 1-40. Oxford: Berghahn.
- Geissler, Paul Wenzel, and Ruth J. Prince (2010) "Persons and relations in Luo plant medicines." in Plants, health and healing: On the interface of medical anthropology and ethnobotany , edited by Elisabeth Hsu and Stephen Harris, 179-224. Oxford: Berghahn.
- Schramm, Katharina (2010) "Sankɔfa-Interpretationen: Schwarze Selbst(er)findung zwischen Vergangenheitsbezug und Zukunftsorientierung." in Sociologus 60 (2): 191-217.
- Moradi, Fazil (2010) "Colour-line: The Petrifaction of Racialization and Alterity at the University of Stellenbosch." in The Journal of Higher Education in Africa 8 (2): 1-21.
- Wiber, Melanie and Bertram Turner (2010) "Moral Talk: The Ontological Politics of Sustainable Development." in Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology Working Papers No. 123.
- Rao, Ursula (2010) "Making the global city: Urban citizenship at the margins of Delhi." in Ethnos 75 (4): 402-424.
- Rao, Ursula (2010) "Neoliberalism and the rewriting of the Indian leader." in American Ethnologist 37 (4): 713-725.
- Thelen, Tatjana, and Haldis Haukanes (2010) "Parenthood and Childhood: Debates within the Social Sciences." in Parenting After the Century of the Child: Travelling Ideals, Institutional Negotiations and Individual Responses , edited by Tatjana Thelen and Haldis Haukanes, 11-33. Aldershot: Ashgate.
- Brinkman, Inge, Siri Lamoureaux, Daniela Merolla, Mirjam de Bruijn, and Richard Akum (2010) "Local Stories, Global Discussion: Websites, Politics and Identity in African Contexts." in Taking it to the Streets: Popular Media, Democracy, and Citizenship in Africa , edited by Herman Wasserman. London: Routledge.
- McHardy, Julien, Jesper Wolf Olsen, Jen Southern and Elizabeth Shove (2010) "Makeshift Users." in Design Research: Synergies from Interdisciplinary Perspectives , edited by Jesper Simonsen, Jørgen Ole Bærenholdt, Monika Büscher and John Damm Scheuer, 96–109. London: Routledge.
- Thelen, Tatjana (2010) "Modernität, Mangelwirtschaft und Postsozialismus: Probleme ethnologischer und soziologischer Theoriebildung angesichts gesellschaftlicher Veränderung." in Sociologus 60 (1): 15-40.
- Thelen, Tatjana and Carolin Leutloff-Grandits (2010) "Self Sacrifice or natural donation? A life course perspective on grandmothering in New Zagreb (Croatia) and East Berlin (Germany)." in Horizontes Antropologicos 16 (34): 427-452.
- Thelen, Tatjana (2010) "Kinning im Alter: Verbundenheit und Sorgebeziehungen ostdeutscher Senior/Innen." in Verwandtschaft heute , edited by Erdmute Alber, Bettina Beer, Julia Pauli and Michael Schnegg, 225-248. Berlin: Dietrich Reimer.
- Thelen, Tatjana (2010) "Two German localities: Introduction." in Family, Kinship and State in Contemporary Europe: The View from Below: Nineteen Localities. Vol. 2 , edited by Patrick Heady and Peter Schweitzer, 225-231. Frankfurt, New York: Campus.
- Thelen, Tatjana and Astrid Baerwolf (2010) "Navigating Kinship relations in eastern Germany: Love, care and limits." in Family, Kinship and State in Contemporary Europe: The View from Below: Nineteen Localities. Vol. 2 , edited by Patrick Heady and Peter Schweitzer, 232-267. Frankfurt, New York: Campus.
- Thelen, Tatjana and Haldis Haukanes (2010) "Parenting After the Century of the Child: Introduction." in Parenting After the Century of the Child: Travelling Ideals, Institutional Negotiations and Individual Responses , edited by Tatjana Thelen and Haldis Haukanes, 1-10. Aldershot: Ashgate.
- Thelen, Tatjana (2010) "Privatizing Parenthood – Modernizing Childhood? Paradoxes of School Reform in Eastern Germany." in Parenting After the Century of the Child: Travelling Ideals, Institutional Negotiations and Individual Responses , edited by Tatjana Thelen and Haldis Haukanes, 141-161. Aldershot: Ashgate.
- Komey, Guma Kunda (2010) "The Comprehensive Peace Agreement and the questions of identity, territory and political destiny of the indigenous Nuba of the Sudan." in International Journal of African Renaissance 5 (1): 48-64.
- Redfield, Peter (2010) "The Verge of Crisis: Doctors Without Borders in Uganda." in Contemporary States of Emergency: The Politics of Military and Humanitarian Interventions , edited by D. Fassin and M. Pandolfi, 173-195. New York: Zone Books.
- MacElroy T., P. Spittal, A. Atim, L. Tebere and H. Muyinda (2010) "Mothering in a Time of Conflict: Acholi Women's Experience of Child Rearing in the Displacement Camps of Northern Uganda." in Journal of the Motherhood Initiative for Research and Community Involvement 1 (1).
- Langwick, Stacey (2010) "From Non-Aligned Medicines to Market-based Herbals: China’s Relationship to the Shifting Politics of Traditional Medicine in Tanzania." in Medical Anthropology 29 (1): 1-29.
- Scholtes, Fabian (2010) "Whose sustainability? Environmental Domination and Sen’s Approach." in Oxford Development Studies 38 (3): 289-307.
Book or Edited Volume
- Argenti, Nicolas, and Katharina Schramm (eds.) (2010) "Remembering Violence: Anthropological Perspectives on Intergenerational Transmission." Oxford: Berghahn.
- Geissler, Paul Wenzel, and Ruth J. Prince (2010) "The Land is dying: Contingency, creativity and conflict in Western Kenya." New York: Berghahn Books.
- Lock, Margaret and Vinh-Kim Nguyen (eds.) (2010) "An Anthropology of Biomedicine, 1st Edition." Malden: Wiley-Blackwell.
- Nguyen, Vinh-Kim (2010) "The republic of therapy: Triage and sovereignty in West Africa's time of AIDS." Durham: Duke University Press.
- Schramm, Katharina (2010) "African Homecoming: Pan-African Ideology and Contested Heritage." Walnut Creek: Left Coast Press.
- Nguyen, Vinh-Kim (2010) "The Republic of Therapy: Triage and Sovereignty in West Africa’s Time of AIDS." Durham: Duke University Press.
- Thelen, Tatjana and Haldis Haukanes (2010) "Parenting after the Century of the Child: Travelling Ideals, Institutional Negotiations and Individual Responses." Aldershot: Ashgate.
- Komey, Guma Kunda (2010) "Land, Governance, Conflict and the Nuba of Sudan." London: James Currey.
- Geissler, PW & RJ Prince (2010) "The Land is Dying: Creativity, Contingency and Conflict in Western Kenya." Oxford: Berghahn.