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Article or Chapter
- Komey, Guma Kunda, Buthaina Ahmed Elnaiem and Fayz Omer Jamei (2017) "Towards a Paradigm Shift in Peacemaking and Conflict Resolution in Sudan." in Journal of Peace and Development 7 (1): 127-144.
Article or Chapter
- Ille, Enrico, Guma Kunda Komey, and Richard Rottenburg (2015) "Tragic entanglements: Vicious circles and acts of violence in South Kordofan." in Sudan's killing fields: Political violence and fragmentation , edited by Laura Nyantung Beny and Sondra Hale, 117-137. Trenton: Red Sea Press.
- Komey, Guma Kunda (2015) "The rights and status of the Christians as a religious minority in Sudan." in The Ahfad Journal Women and Change 32 (2): 14-24.
Article or Chapter
- Komey, Guma Kunda (2014) "Popular Consultation as a Mechanism for Peaceful Social Order in the Nuba Mountains / South Kordofan." in Emerging Orders in the Sudans , edited by Sandra Calkins, Enrico Ille and Richard Rottenburg, 229-246. Bamenda, Cameroon: Langaa RPCIG.
Book or Edited Volume
- Komey, Guma Kunda (2013) "The Nuba Political Predicament in Sudan(s): Seeking Resources Beyond Borders." in The Borderlands of South Sudan: Authority and Identity in Contemporary and Historical Perspectives , edited by Christopher Vaughan, Mareike Schomerus and Lotje de Vries, 89-109. Bringstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
Article or Chapter
- Komey, Guma Kunda, and Enrico Ille (2012) "Suq Sumbuq: Geheime Märke im sudanesischen Bürgerkrieg." in Nomaden in unserer Welt. Die Vorreiter der Globalisierung: Von Mobilität und Handel, Herrschaft und Widerstand , edited by Jörg Gertel and Sandra Calkins, 106-115. Bielefeld: Transcript.
Article or Chapter
- Komey, Guma Kunda (2011) "The Historical and Contemporary Basis of the Renewed War in the Nuba Mountains." in Discourse 1 (1): 24-48.
- Komey, Guma Kunda (2011) "Pastoral-sedentary market relations in a war situation: The Baqqara-Nuba Case." in Economic Spaces of Pastoral Production and Commodity Systems: Market and Livelihoods , edited by Jörg Gertel and Richard Le Heron, 79-106. Surrey: Ashgate.
Article or Chapter
- Komey, Guma Kunda (2010) "The Comprehensive Peace Agreement and the questions of identity, territory and political destiny of the indigenous Nuba of the Sudan." in International Journal of African Renaissance 5 (1): 48-64.
Book or Edited Volume
- Komey, Guma Kunda (2010) "Land, Governance, Conflict and the Nuba of Sudan." London: James Currey.
Article or Chapter
- Komey, Guma Kunda (2009) "Striving in the Exclusionary State: Territory, Identity and Ethno-politics of the Nuba, Sudan." in Journal of International Politics and Development 7 (2): 1-20.
Article or Chapter
- Komey, Guma Kunda (2008) "The denied land rights of the indigenous peoples and their endangered livelihood and survival: The case of the Nuba of the Sudan." in Ethnic and Racial Studies 31 (5): 991-1008.