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Article or Chapter
- Langwick, Stacey (2018) "Cultivating Vitality: A Photo Essay." in Anthropology News website, January 24, 2018. →
- Langwick, Stacey (2018) "A Politics of Habitability: Plants, Healing and Sovereignty in a Toxic World." in Cultural Anthropology 33 (3): 415-443.
- Langwick, Stacey (2018) "Healing in the Anthropocene." in The World Multiple: The Quotidian Politics of Knowing and Generating Entangled Worlds , edited by Keiichi Omura, Grant Jun Otsuki, Shiho Satsuka, Atsuro Morita. New York: Routledge.
Article or Chapter
- Langwick, Stacey (2017) "The Value of Secrets: Pragmatic Healers and Proprietary Knowledge." in African Medical Pluralism , edited by William Olsen and Carolyn Sargent, 31-49. Bloomington and Indianapolis: Indiana University Press.
- Liwa, A., R. Roediger, H. Jaka, A. Bougaila, L. Smart, S. Langwick and R. Peck (2017) "Herbal and Alternative Medicine Use in Tanzanian Adults Admitted with Hypertension-related Diseases: A Mixed-methods Study." in International Journal of Hypertension 3: 1-9.
Article or Chapter
- Langwick, Stacey (2015) "Partial Publics: The Political Promise of Traditional Medicine in Africa." in Current Anthropology 56 (4): 493-514.
Article or Chapter
- Langwick, Stacey (2012) "The Choreography of Global Subjection: The Traditional Birth Attendant in Contemporary Configurations of World Health." in Medicine, Mobility, and Power in Global Africa: Transnational Health and Healing , edited by Hansjörg Dilger, Aboulaye Kane and Stacey Langwick, 31-59. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.
- Langwick, Stacey, Hansjörg Dilger and Abdoulaye Kane (2012) "Introduction: Transnational Medicine, Mobile Experts." in Medicine, Mobility, and Power in Global Africa: Transnational Health and Healing , edited by Hansjörg Dilger, Abdoulaye Kane and Stacey Langwick, 1-29. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.
- Langwick, Stacey (2012) "'Agitating for Hope, Learning to Care'. Comment on Claire Wendland’s article 'Animating Biomedicine’s Moral Order: The Crisis of Practice in Malawian Medical Training'." in Current Anthropology 53 (6): 778-779.
Book or Edited Volume
- Dilger, Hansjörg, Abdoulaye Kane and Stacey Langwick (eds.) (2012) "Medicine, Mobility, and Power in Global Africa: Transnational Health and Healing." Bloomington: Indiana University Press.
Article or Chapter
- Langwick, Stacey (2011) "Healers and scientists: The epistemological politics of research about medicinal plants in Tanzania, or 'moving away from traditional medicine'." in Evidence, ethos and experiment: The anthropology and history of medical research in Africa , edited by Paul Wenzel Geissler and Catherine Molyneux, 263-295. New York: Berghahn Books.
- Langwick, Stacey (2011) "Healers and Scientists: The Epistemological Politics of Research about Medicinal Plants in Tanzania, or 'Moving Away from Traditional Medicine'." in Evidence, Ethos and Experiment: The Anthropology and History of Medical Research in Africa , edited by P. Wenzel Geissler and Catherine Molyneux, 263-295. New York and Oxford: Berghahn.
Book or Edited Volume
- Langwick, Stacey (2011) "Bodies, politics, and African healing: The matter of maladies in Tanzania." Bloomington: Indiana University Press.
- Langwick, Stacey (2011) "Bodies, Politics, and African Healing: The Matter of Maladies in Tanzania." Bloomington: Indiana University Press.
Article or Chapter
- Langwick, Stacey (2010) "From Non-Aligned Medicines to Market-based Herbals: China’s Relationship to the Shifting Politics of Traditional Medicine in Tanzania." in Medical Anthropology 29 (1): 1-29.
Article or Chapter
- Langwick, Stacey (2008) "Articulate(d) Bodies: Traditional Medicine in a Tanzanian Hospital." in American Ethnologist 35: 428-439.
Article or Chapter
- Langwick, Stacey (2007) "Devils, Parasites and Fierce Needles: Healing and the Politics of Translation in Southeastern Tanzania." in Science, Technology, and Human Values 32: 88-117.
Article or Chapter
- Langwick, Stacey (2006) "Geographies of Medicine: Interrogating the Boundary between 'Traditional' and 'Modern' Medicine in Colonial Tanganyika." in Borders and healers: Brokering therapeutic resources in southeast Africa , edited by Harry West and Tracy Luedke, 143-165. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.