Recent Publications

Working Paper Series

Article or Chapter

  • Beisel, Uli and Carsten Wergin (2022) "Understanding multispecies mobilities: From mosquito eradication to coexistence." in Mosquitopia: The Place of Pests in a Healthy World , edited by Marcus Hall and Dan Tamïr, 32-46. London: Routledge.

Article or Chapter

  • Donko, Kamal, Martin Doevenspeck and Uli Beisel (2021) "Migration Control, the Local Economy and Violence in the Burkina Faso and Niger Borderland." in Journal of Borderlands Studies.

Article or Chapter

Article or Chapter

Article or Chapter

  • Liggins, Arlena S. and Uli Beisel (2017) "Translating the glucometer – from 'Western' markets to Uganda: Glucometer graveyards, missing testing strips and the difficulties of patient care." in World Politics in Translation: Power, Relationality and Difference in Global Cooperation , edited by Tobias Berger and Alejandro Esguerra, 59–75. London, New York: Routledge.
  • Umlauf, René, Dieter Neubert and Uli Beisel (2017) "Innovationen in afrikanischen Gesundheitssystemen: Die Einführung von diagnostischen Schnelltests in der Malariakontrolle." in Spektrum, Hochschulschrift der Universität Bayreuth.

Article or Chapter

  • Beisel, Uli, René Umlauf, Eleanor Hutchinson, and Clare I. R. Chandler (2016) "The complexities of simple technologies: Re-imagining the role of rapid diagnostic tests in Malaria control efforts." in Malaria Journal 15 (1): 64.
  • Umlauf, René and Uli Beisel (2016) "Translating Global Health Technologies: Diagnostic Spaces between Standardization and Adaptation in Uganda’s Malaria Control Program." in Working Papers of the Priority Programme 1448 of the German Research Foundation Nr. 20, Leipzig and Halle.

Article or Chapter

  • Beisel, Uli (2015) "The blue warriors: Science, public health and democracy in Malaria control experiments in Ghana." in Para-states and medical science: Making African global health , edited by Paul Wenzel Geissler, 281-302. Durham: Duke University Press.
  • Beisel, Uli (2015) "Markets and mutations: Mosquito nets and the politics of disentanglement in global health." in Geoforum 66: 146-155.
  • Boëte, Christophe, Uli Beisel, Luísa Reis Castro, Nicolas Césard, and R Guy Reeves (2015) "Engaging scientists: An online survey exploring the experience of innovative biotechnological apporaches to controlling vector-borne diseases." in Parasites & Vectors 8 (1): 414.

Article or Chapter