Filter by: Publication Type
Article or Chapter
- Umlauf, René (2021) "Zur technischen Krisenhaftigkeit der Corona-Krise." in Jahrbuch für Technikphilosophie, Nomos Verlag, 337-341.
- Umlauf, René (2021) "‘Silicon health’ for Africa: Understanding the rise and impact of drone logistics." in Somathosphere. →
Article or Chapter
- Umlauf, René (2020) "'Give work, not aid': Digitale Fabrikarbeit in Norduganda." in Berliner Blätter: Ethnographische und ethnologische Beiträge zum Thema: „Digitale Arbeitskulturen: Rahmungen, Effekte, Herausforderungen", 82. Panama Verlag.
Article or Chapter
- Umlauf, René (2018) "'Dormant parasites’: Testing beyond the Laboratory in Uganda’s Malaria Control Program." in Experimentation beyond the laboratory: New perspectives on technology in society , edited by Ibo van de Poel and Lotte Alsveld. London, New York: Routledge.
Article or Chapter
- Umlauf, René (2017) "Precarity and Preparedness: Non-Adherence as Institutional Work in Diagnosing and Treating Malaria in Uganda." in Medical Anthropology 36 (5): 449-463.
- Umlauf, René (2017) "An Option with no Choice? The Role of Preventive Technologies for (Dis-)Locating a Malaria Epidemic." in AllegraLaboratory Thematic Week. Medical Technologies and Infrastructure: Mobilities and (Dis-)Connectivities , edited by Hansjörg Dilger and Dominik Matthes. →
- Hopkins, H., J. Cunningham, M. Gatton, I. González, S.Kibira, D. Kyabayinze, M. Mayxay, R. Umlauf (2017) "Prototype positive control wells for malaria rapid diagnostic tests: Prospective evaluation of implementation among health workers in Lao PDR and Uganda." in The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 96 (2): 319-329. →
- Umlauf, René and Sung-Joon Park (2017) "Stock-Outs! Improvisations and Processes of Infrastructuring in Uganda’s HIV/Aids and Malaria Programmes." in Global Public Health 1692 (December): 1–14. →
- Umlauf, René, Dieter Neubert and Uli Beisel (2017) "Innovationen in afrikanischen Gesundheitssystemen: Die Einführung von diagnostischen Schnelltests in der Malariakontrolle." in Spektrum, Hochschulschrift der Universität Bayreuth.
Book or Edited Volume
- Umlauf, René (2017) "Mobile Labore: Zur Diagnose und Organisation von Malaria in Uganda." Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag.
Article or Chapter
- Beisel, Uli, René Umlauf, Eleanor Hutchinson, and Clare I. R. Chandler (2016) "The complexities of simple technologies: Re-imagining the role of rapid diagnostic tests in Malaria control efforts." in Malaria Journal 15 (1): 64.
- Umlauf, René and Uli Beisel (2016) "Translating Global Health Technologies: Diagnostic Spaces between Standardization and Adaptation in Uganda’s Malaria Control Program." in Working Papers of the Priority Programme 1448 of the German Research Foundation Nr. 20, Leipzig and Halle. →
Article or Chapter
- Park, Sung-Joon, and René Umlauf (2014) "Caring as existential insecurity: Quarantine, care, and human insecurity in the Ebola crisis." in Somatosphere, November 24. →
- Höhne, Stefan, and René Umlauf (2014) "Die Akteur-Netzwerk Theorie: Zur Vernetzung und Entgrenzung des Sozialen." in Theorien in Raum- und Stadtforschung: Eine Einführung , edited by Jürgen Oßenbrügge and Anne Vogelpohl, 203-222. Münster: Westfälisches Dampfboot.
Book or Edited Volume
- Umlauf, René (2009) "Fabrikarbeit und die Disziplinierung der Arbeiter." Saarbrücken: AV Akademikerverlag.