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Article or Chapter
- Park, Sung-Joon (2021) "Deadly secret: Situating the unknowing and knowing of the source of the Ebola epidemic in Northern Uganda (2000/01)." in Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 27 (2): 227-244.
Article or Chapter
- Park, Sung-Joon, Nene Morisho, Kennedy Wema Muhindo, Julienne Anoko, Nina Gobat, Hannah Brown, and Matthias Borchert (2020) "What do adaptations tell us about the production of trust? Shifting the ‘burden of change’ from people to the response." in Humanitarian Exchange: Special feature Responding to Ebola in the Democratic Republic of Congo 77: 24–26.
- Nene Morisho, Josepha Kalubi, Sung-Joon Park, Martin Doevenspeck (2020) "Same but Different? A Comparison of Ebola Virus Disease and Covid-19 After the Ebola Epidemic in Eastern DRC (2018–20)." in African Arguments. →
- Dilger, Hansjörg, and Sung-Joon Park (2020) "Anthropological Perspectives in Health Emergencies." in In Control: A Practical Handbook for Professionals Working in Health Emergencies Internationally , edited by Silva Lauffer and Jonathan Walter, 154–64. Berlin: RKI.
Article or Chapter
- Park, Sung-Joon (2019) "Thinking-with favorite reads in the anthropology of global health and environmental health." in Curare 42 (1+2).
Article or Chapter
- Park, Sung-Joon (2017) "‘They overworked us’: Humiliation and claims to recognition of volunteer nurses in the aftermath of the Ebola epidemic in Sierra Leone." in Medicine Anthropology Theory (MAT) 4 (3): 21-40. →
- Park, Sung-Joon and Grace Akello (2017) "The oughtness of care: Fear, stress and caregiving during the 2000-2001 Ebola outbreak in Gulu, Uganda." in Social Science and Medicine 194: 60-66.
- Umlauf, René and Sung-Joon Park (2017) "Stock-Outs! Improvisations and Processes of Infrastructuring in Uganda’s HIV/Aids and Malaria Programmes." in Global Public Health 1692 (December): 1–14. →
Article or Chapter
- Behrends, Andrea, Sung-Joon Park, and Richard Rottenburg (2016) "Replik auf Röhl." in Zeitschrift für Rechtssoziologie 35 (2): 313-317.
Article or Chapter
- Park, Sung-Joon (2015) "IRBs as traveling technologies: Between regulation and virtues." in Notes from within and without: Research permits between requirements and "realities" , edited by Ulf Engel, Claudia Gebauer and Anna Hüncke, 23-27. Working Papers of the Priority Programme 1448 of the German Research Foundation.
- Park, Sung-Joon (2015) "'Nobody is going to die': An ethnography of hope, indicators, and improvisations in the provision of access to treatment in Uganda." in A world of indicators: The making of governmental knowledge through quantification , edited by Richard Rottenburg, Sally Engle Merry, Sung-Joon Park and Johanna Mugler, 188-219. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Whyte, Susan Reynolds, Sung-Joon Park, George Odong, Moris Ojara, and Alice Lamwaka (2015) "The visibility of non-communicable diseases in northern Uganda." in African Health Sciences 15 (1): 82-89.
Book or Edited Volume
- Rottenburg, Richard, Sally Engle Merry, Sung-Joon Park, and Johanna Mugler (eds.) (2015) "A world of indicators: The making of governmental knowledge through quantification." Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Article or Chapter
- Behrends, Andrea, Sung-Joon Park, and Richard Rottenburg (2014) "Travelling models: Introducing an analytical concept to globalisation studies." in Travelling models in African conflict management: Translating technologies of social ordering , edited by Andrea Behrends, Sung-Joon Park and Richard Rottenburg, 1-42. Leiden: Brill.
- Park, Sung-Joon (2014) "Staging global public health: Workshops, technologies of participation, and the authorization of knowledge in antiretroviral therapy in Uganda." in Working Papers of the Priority Programme 1448 of the German Research Foundation 6.
- Park, Sung-Joon, and René Umlauf (2014) "Caring as existential insecurity: Quarantine, care, and human insecurity in the Ebola crisis." in Somatosphere, November 24. →
Book or Edited Volume
- Behrends, Andrea, Sung-Joon Park, and Richard Rottenburg (eds.) (2014) "Travelling models in African conflict management: Translating technologies of social ordering." Leiden: Brill.
Article or Chapter
- Park, Sung-Joon (2012) "Stock-outs in global health: Pharmaceutical governance and uncertainties in the global supply of ARVs in Uganda." in Rethinking biomedicine and governance in Africa , edited by Paul Wenzel Geissler, Richard Rottenburg and Julia Zenker, 177-194. Bielefeld: Transcript.